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How You Can Help

01. Help fund our projects

We can all have wonderful ideas to get young people to read again, but without financial means it will only be dreams. Your financial contribution, no matter how small, will contribute to the realization of the numerous projects that we carry out. Your donation is therefore essential and we thank you in advance.


02. Be a Volunteer

In order to be successful, we must first find out where small language areas are. We must investigate whether we can develop projects there, establish contacts with authors and publishers. We need to work with schools and teachers, listen to them and see how we can support them. Any bright ideas, let us know. Work with us to achieve our goals. Get involved and becomes our contact for local projects.

Speak Up

03. Spread the Word

Tell others about our initiative. It’s another way to get involved. The more people who know about us, the more efficient we can work and the easier we will achieve our objectives. Follow us on our media below and share our messages with your family and friends.

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