I already mentioned it in another article on this site. Erik Persoons, the organizer and author of several writing experiments, such as Refugia, has pledged to work with the Young Readers Foundation.

He will develop a step-by-step manual that can help other teachers or authors set up the same project to enable young people to participate in the creation of a book that can then be published later. This way young people learn to write better and they become interested in reading books.

The aim is to have as many students as possible a part of a story to write. These parts then glue together to come to a coherent and readable story. That story will then be published so that the participating young people can be proud of their participation, read the book and encourage others in their social circle to read it. This way we hope to awaken the interest in reading books among young people.

The step-by-step plan that Erik will work out will include the following parts:

  • The introduction: how it all started, the objectives of the project and its impact. The motivation and knowledge you need to start such a project.
  • How do you start: preparatory work, who is involved in your project, agreements that have to be made.
  • Selecting writers: how do you motivate young people to participate in the project? You keep it closed or you pull it open.
  • Describe and distribute tasks: How do you decide who should write what?
  • Follow-up: How do you check progress? Is the storyline good?
  • Bring together: How do you ensure that you get all the parts together.
  • Gluing: How do you convert all parts into one story, a manuscript?
  • Issuing: How do you get this manuscript issued?


Erik, has many years of experience with such projects and will openly explain what the pitfalls are. Where you can expect help or just opposition. He will tell you what you certainly do not have to try, or what you should think about.

Moreover, Erik has also committed himself to coaching people who want to set up this project. You are therefore never alone and will always be able to contact him for advice.

If you feel called to also set up such a project, do not hesitate to contact us.

The Young Readers Foundation is very happy that Erik was prepared to be willing to dedicate himself for this project. We believe that this is the first of many valuable initiatives to get young people interested in reading and writing.

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